Thursday, May 3, 2007

Here comes another Henderson!

7:00 am on the first of May found me becoming groggily aware of two goofy adults standing in my doorway. I peeled back the layers of sleep from my eyes and began to wonder why the roof was yellow. The thought subsided, and the goofy adults smiled.

"It's happening!"

Indeed; since 5:30 that morning, Dee had been having contractions.

"And what? You're trying to send me to school?" I asked incredulously.
No matter, I stayed home, and the day was full of slowness, card games, slowness, contractions, slowness, the agonising movie Emma, slowness and not much else.
But yay! At six we toddled finally off to the hospital, and after hours and hours of excrutiating labour, little, squashy Tayen Kaylee Henderson slid into the world. It was 2:13 am on the second of May. (Oh, and by 'little', I mean 9 pounds ... O_o). Tayen is an American-Indian name meaning 'new moon', and Kaylee is a character from the show Firefly. She's the most gorgeous little monkey person I've ever met, and I can't wait to spend lots and lots of time with her and get thrown up on a lot.
So, today we brought her home for the first time, and set up the baby monitors and such. I'm writing this from my room, and every time I hear her cry it's an "Oh la vache, this will only get worse ... nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo." But oh well, I'm sure the good will outweigh the loud, annoying noise :P
But I'm sure you will all want to hear the other points of view in this, so that's the way the cookie crumbles.
(And keep an eye out at your local video store for the second doco by the Henderson family - Here Comes another Henderson).

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