Tuesday, May 22, 2007

3 weeks old!

Well, three weeks on from the birth of Tayen and what can I say? Has it been a breeze? I don't know... Do I love every minute of it? Absolutely!
Sure, some things haven't run smoothly - there have been some baby blue days where all I could do is cry my eyes out, and some breastfeeding issues with Tayen spitting up my blood (very scary, what a little vampire!) but other than that, motherhood suits me!
Tayen has been smiling since just before she was two weeks old. They say babies can't smile until they're at least 5 weeks old, but Tayen's smiles are definately not wind! When she's looking right at you, reacting to the silly things we say and the stupid faces we make, she knows what's she's doing!
She has put on 600 grams since birth, has grown 2cm in length and her head circumference is 1cm bigger.
My mum was staying with me last week, which was really nice, but Tayen was spoilt as Oma rocked and sang her to sleep! This week I'm on my own, and I'm more than a little tired, but I just can't find the time to sleep during the day - I still have a business to run, and a book to write for the Museum, so with looking after Tayen on top of that, I don't have time to scratch myself! I'm sure I'll have a meltdown in the next month, but it will be worth it!
I'm looking forward to the 6 week stage, when everyone says all the initial teething problems of being a new mother magically sort themselves out - hopefully my nipples can last that long (seriously, the things you can talk about when your body is a supermarket is amazing!)

1 comment:

Rodwen said...

You're a tard ^_^