Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Day Four - Costa Rica

Alan woke me up early this morning to go out and look at our front yard – the wild rainforests of the Osa Peninsula. Although I was a little grumpy to be woken so early, I soon got over it when I saw the beauty of our new habitat. We sat on the front porch watching the birds coming and going from the forest, and we were captivated by around 5 Toucans flying in the distance. We invested in a pair of binoculars before we left, and already they have been well worth it. There was so much activity with humming birds hovering from flower to flower and flycatchers flitting from tree to tree. It was a lovely was to start the day.

We headed into Puerto Jimenez early to organise a mobile phone and internet for our house. Dos Brazos doesn’t have the best reception, and apparently at our house there are two places on the front porch that have the best signal. We may have to invest in a special aerial to boost the reception a bit. Costa Rican SIM cards wouldn’t work in our Aussie phones, so we had to purchase a new phone with the SIM. Also, the USB internet connector was out of stock, so we won’t get that until next Thursday. In the meantime we’ll have to either use internet cafes or go to Steve’s place. Steve lives next door, about 400m away. While in town we also looked at the space that we’ve leased for the filming studio, along with the ‘animal room’, a place where we can keep the animal collection before they are required on set.

A little glimpse of Puerto Jimenez
We did a few other things while in Pto. Jimenez like visit the super market, and pet shop and swap our empty gas bottles for full ones. Then it’s back home for a lazy afternoon.

Alan chillin' in the hammock
Alan ended up sleeping for around 2 hours – he’s been suffering a little from jet lag. I was able to read and finish my book, while keeping an eye on the girls who were playing on the front porch. We’ve been drilling it into them about not wandering off into the gardens on their own, as there could be venomous snakes around. Although Tayen can parrot this information back to us, she doesn’t think about it when she’s outside playing, so we need to keep an eye on them at all times. We are very glad now that we are not in the original house, as the lack of external walls would have been a problem with keeping the kids inside. We have yet to see a viper, but the locals here tell us that they are quite common, and Tristan who usually lives in our house, says that he sees one at least every 10 days. So it will be soon when we encounter one.

Tayen and Saige enjoying some watermelon
I’m sitting out on our porch at the moment watching the lightening make it look like daylight. Tayen and Saige are beside me and Saige is a little scared of the thunder. Tayen tells her that its ok, it just the clouds crashing into each other! We have storms coming through almost every afternoon. We are all tired this evening, so I think it will be an early night for all.

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