Friday, April 27, 2007


6 days overdue and counting - will this baby ever make an appearance? Everything is ready and waiting, all that needs to happen now is for labour to start. There are numerous suggestions for kickstarting labour, and I've tried just about all of them to no avail. I guess I have to be content with good old fashioned waiting - how boring! I suppose I should enjoy my last days of freedom before there is a little someone who is constantly demanding my attention, but I've been waiting so long to meet this new little person that I can't wait any more! Besides, life is quite uncomfortable when you're lugging around 14 extra kilograms. Normal things such as turning over in bed become an ordeal! And poor Alan wakes up the 6 or so times I need to get up to use the loo at night!
Anyway, I'm sure it's not far off now. Here are some pics of the growth of my belly - the first was taken at 4 months, and the second at 9 months.

Sunday, April 8, 2007

The wait is almost over!

Well, there's about two weeks to go before the Henderson family changes forever!
Already a family consisiting of 2 adults, 2 teenagers, 1 dog, 4 snakes, 7 frogs, 14 goannas, 2 skinks, 5 geckos, 1 dragon, numerous stick insects and countless spiders, snails, cockroaches, grasshoppers and other invertebrates, we are soon to have a newborn baby added into the picture!
If it sounds like a bit of a zoo, it is, and while it runs fairly smoothly at present, the addition of a baby will introduce havoc, I'm sure!
But we are all looking forward to meeting this new little Henderson, and I think he/she is anxious to escape from his/her crowded little uterine home from all the somewhat painful jabs I've been getting.
We realised very quickly that our house it not quite big enough for our little entourage, and the replacement of the study/music room/spare room for the baby's room has crowded our already jam-packed animal room/family room.
But April 22 is the expected arrival date of our bundle of joy, and I say bring it on!