Friday, March 7, 2008

Family ties

Tayen is growing in leaps and bounds - she has been crawling for a month, and is getting into all sorts of things that she shouldn't be. She had lots of fun 'playing' with Joachim when we went to Lake Daylesford recently, and loved her first camping trip to Blanket Bay, and seeing the ocean and beach for the first time.
I'm due back and work part-time in a months time, and it's sad thinking about leaving Tayen in someone elses care at creche. But I'm sure she'll be fine, and make lots of new friends.

Tayen also met her Beppe for the first time (her great-grandmother). She is visiting from the Netherlands.

Our book 'Bugs Alive' is finally out at a bookstore near you. Already almost 1000 copies have been sold in 2 weeks, so that's a great sign. Already thinking about changes to make to the second round print job.
Caitlin is full swing into year 12, and already stuggling to keep her study schedule, but that's Caitlin for you! She's enjoying most of her subjects, but her teachers aren't what she'd hoped for.

Annie is in year 10, but doing year 11 Studio Arts, which she seems to really enjoy. She's into all things arty, so she's found her niche.