Sunday, August 12, 2007

So much to tell...

Note - I just found this blog entry waiting to be posted, so it's a little out of date, but I'll post it anyway! By the way, Caitlin's film came fourth - well done!

The Henderson family as usual is extraordinarily busy - Annie has just run in the state cross country, which is a big achievement! She has also just started a CFA course at school where she will get her first aid certificate and learn the tricks of the trade when it comes to fire fighting.
Last term Caitlin and a group of her friends made a short film for a competition explaining a scientific concept to non-scientific people. Her entry is one of four finalists across Australia, and the winner will be announced on the 21st August in Sydney. Caitlin and the rest of the group will be travelling up to Sydney to attend the presentation dinner. Alan and I are still working on our book - the text has come back from the editor, and we are in the process of reviewing it. Alan is still busy taking and editing photos to go in the book. It should be out in book stores in February next year.
And Tayen is growing way to fast! She will be 4 months old next week, and she rolled over for the first time last week!
We recently had the pleasure of a visit from Robbie, who got to meet his new niece for the first time. Tayen loved the Care Bear she received from Rob and Em – it is close to being her favourite toy!
Garry Henderson turned 60 last month, and we celebrated in style – fancy dress was the theme of the party, and most people joined in the fun.